Finding the right combination of investments for you

Our experts will be at your side – providing recommendations on the right moves to make.

Especially in periods of increased market volatility and uncertainty, market trends are difficult to predict. The professional approach and customised specialist advice on the management and diversification of your assets applied by ST, can help you to take the right decision.

Depending on your needs, you can also have access to our investment specialists who can develop a customized solution. Our specialists constantly offer new investment opportunities as well as opinions on your own investment strategies.

Using a process of monitoring and selection, you can reach decisions based on precise information and well-timed proposals. We carefully analyze your risk profile and investment objectives to help you manage risks and benefit from the opportunities that arise, in line with your defined risk/return profile.

Advisory Solutions Legal Disclaimer

The final solution we can provide will be dependent on your jurisdiction of domicile. The following disclaimer acknowledges you recognize that the services described here are subject to local restrictions.

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Our core principles and values

  • Our advice is individual and caters to each and every client’s needs. We consider all aspects of your financial situation and objectives before providing investment advice.
  • Our advice is always delivered in a comprehensive way. Client Relationship Officers and Investment Counsellors at STB are subject matter experts who offer high-quality advice for all asset classes.
  • Our investment advice considers how to optimize portfolio performance contemplating relevant investment and market risks, and in line with your risk appetite and investment objectives.
  • We communicate clearly and transparently in accordance with your individual needs. Together, we define the most suitable channel to discuss investment ideas and timely portfolio updates.
  • No matter which Advisory service model you select, you will have full access to our global investment capabilities and investment universe at all times.
  • Our advice also focuses on risk management, since it is one of the most important factors in successful portfolio strategies.