Shop and travel with confidence
For everyday purchases and beyond
Use your Mastercard credit card for everyday purchases – at stores, online and even places that don’t accept cash or checks like hotels. Your Mastercard gives you the freedom to support the lifestyle you choose.
Your Mastercard is here when you need it most, protecting you from identity theft and fraudulent purchases and providing device protection
Mastercard Credit card :
.Free of charge
.Possibility to use for mobile contactless payments
.Payments in Switzerland and all EU contries
.Cash deposits and withdrawals from ATMs
.No monthly fee
.Make contactless payments with your phone
.Order the card and receive it at your home address or any other address in EU
.Pay for goods and services in Switzerland and abroad without using cash. Credit card can be used for online purchases
.Pay with Credit card in all institutions and companies, where you notice Mastercard logo on the window, door or cash register
.Make payments saved as predetermined payments in ATMs
Mastercard Credit card :
.Free of charge
.Possibility to use for mobile contactless payments
.Order the card and receive it at your home address or any other address in EU
.Pay for goods and services in Switzerland and abroad without using cash. Credit card can be used for online purchases
.Pay with Credit card in all institutions and companies, where you notice Mastercard logo on the window, door or cash register
.Make payments saved as predetermined payments in ATMs
.Payments in Switzerland and all EU contries
.Cash deposits and withdrawals from ATMs
.No monthly fee
.Make contactless payments with your phone